Four Ways To Creating The Life You Love

Last week I had an epiphany. My husband asked me why I wanted a particular job that I applied for after turning down some really dope opportunities. And for the first time, I was able to articulate exactly what I was looking for, why I wanted it, and what I was hoping to get out of it. At that moment I realized that I was creating a life that I can love. It’s so liberating to be in a place where you can trust your instincts, be confident in your choices and walking in your purpose. I really want you to create a life you love too. Let’s get into the how!

Finding Clarity! Knowing exactly what you want is key to creating the life you love. Clarity only comes through doing. You have to test the waters and see what’s out there. It took me having some crappy jobs to know exactly what I don’t want. It took not so good relationships to know what I was looking for in partner.

Spiritual Relationship! My relationship with God has been instrumental in all areas of my life and when creating the life you love, it helps knowing God. When I decided to yield to his will for my life and seek out his purpose for my life, life got easier. He orders our step and we can lean on him for peace, strength, and joy.

Slow Living! Taking the time to do things slowly and not living my life in a constant rush has been a game-changer. I don’t crowd my calendar with appointments and events and meetings. I say no to things that I don’t want to do and sit still long enough to figure my feelings out.

“Authentically Me” Living your life as authentically as you can. Seems pretty easy right? Not necessarily. It takes sitting still long enough to know who you truly are. It takes therapy to deal with the ugly stuff. It also takes having real relationships because I learned a long time ago that your character grows best in a relationship The key here is, you have to enjoy the process and fall in love with it.

There’s always beauty in the ashes and I think it’s time you start creating a life that’s beautiful and you can fall in love with.


Make The Time!